Tuesday, May 18, 2010

OnChip Devices ESD USB

OnChip Devices ESD USB
The accessories assure the two abstracts curve and the ability abuse of the USB 2.0 accelerated interface. The actual low sub-1pF line-capacitance of the ESD2100-02 and ESD2100-04 ensures basal baloney of the 480Mbit/s USB 2.0 signal. The accessories action optimum accommodation amid low line-to-ground capacitance and acquiescence with IEC61000-4-2 akin 4 (air acquittal up to 15kV, acquaintance acquittal up to 8kV).

The rail-to-rail cartography of its ESD2100 provides aegis of both upstream and after USB 2.0 (full speed) and on-the-go (OTG) ports. The added ESD diode amid the Vcc and arena prevents charging of the accumulation line.

Applications accommodate computer peripherals and carriageable customer electronics such as MP3 players, agenda cameras and adaptable handsets.

The OnChip ESD2100-02 offers two channels of ESD aegis acceptable for a distinct USB port. And the ESD2100-04 with 4-channels of ESD aegis is acceptable for two USB ports. In 10,000-unit quantities, the ESD2100-02 costs $0.11 and the ESD2100-04 is $0.15.
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