JDownloader is a free download manager software based on Java That cans you use to download files from a variety of one click hoster Such as RapidShare, MediaFire, HotFile, MegaUpload, Indowebster, etc., Either using premium account or free account.
When you download from sites like Rapidshare, HotFile, etc. Suddenly your connection and then dropped out JDownloader will from automatically repeat the download process.
Features found on JDownloader are as follows:
Can dijalankaan on Windows operating systems, Linux and Mac.
Download multiple files simultaneously
Download with multiple connections
Download youtube, vimeo, video and mp3
Can do extract the downloaded file automatically
Support multi language
Can be integrated with the Firefox browser
Support premium account in one click hoster (rapidshare, hotfile, etc.)
Support More Than 110 hoster
Can Recognize captcha
Download : http://jdownloader.org/