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NTLDR error message
I've found some error message NTLDR, including:
"NTLDR is missing
Press any key to restart "
"NTLDR is missing
Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart "
"Boot: Couldn't find NTLDR
Please insert another disk "
And most often I find is the number 2, " NTLDR is missing, Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart ". NTLDR error message occurs after the POST ( Power On Self Test ) is completed or after the process of checking hardware.
Cause of the error message NTLDR is missing
Based on experience there are several reasons why the NTLDR error message appears, among:
1.PC boot on USB, CD or Hard Drive that has no boot sector .
2.Windows systems have corrupted .
3.There was an error in the boot configuration file.
4.Cables IDE / Sata damaged, so the data does not flow perfectly.
5.The process of upgrading windows is not perfect.
Solutions to improve the error message NTLDR is missing
1.If lucky, simply restart your PC / laptop is missing NTLR message can be lost.
2.Check to see if there is a USB, CD or other media that is connected to a PC / Laptop, if any pull, this is to 3.prevent the boot from the media.
4.Check the BIOS, if the first boot from the Hard Drive that has a boot sector or windows installed in it.
The three methods above is P3Kom me in fixing the NTLDR error, if not then I wear that is always a powerful way, the following steps.
How to fix a powerful message is missing NTLR
1.Prepare and insert the Windows CD into the CD / DVD Drive
2.Restart your PC / Laptop and make for the first boot from the CD / DVD Drive.
3.Press enter on the message " press anykey to boot from CD ".
4.After entering the Setup Menu, press "R" to enter the repair command line .
5.Next will be asked, where the location of windowsnya system, a choice of numbers, select the number that there are windows system, for example: if the C drive then select number 1.
6.Furthermore, we will ask the administrator password, type and enter.
7.Now we will copy the files NTLDR & NTDETECT.com into the system. Eg CD / DVD drives you is drive D, then the command
Copy d: \ i38 \ ntldr c: \
Copy d: \ i38 \ ntdetect.com c: \
If successful it will have the words "2 files copied".
Restart and choose boot from the hard drive first.
Voila PC / Laptop you are healthy again.