Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Atmel 89S and AVR Programmer(STK200)

For AT89Sxx and AVR
Tahan Prahara, prahara_satria@yahoo.co.id

If you are looking for an easy-build and useful programmer for the AT89Sxx, AVR MCU, and tiny AVR, here is my simple circuit. The board is signal compatible with the STK200 parallel programmer.

STK200 Parallel Programmer

Layout PCB


The loader hardware can be used with many programs.

1. AT89Sxx series, we can use Asim loader ISP flash programmer V 3.0a http://www.kmitl.ac.th/~kswichit/cheapcable/index.html
2. The built-in programmer with CodeVisionAVR from http://www.hpinfotech.ro (or WinAVR (freeware)
How to use CodeVisonAVR please visit this http://www.kmitl.ac.th/~kswichit/tiny2313/tiny.htm
3. AT89 and AVR u can try this http://www.lancos.com/prog.html


The PCB file is ExpressPCB.

Schematic : STK200.sch

PCB : STK200.pcb

For cable length should be one meter or less.

Any questions please email me prahara_satria@yahoo.co.id
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